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AJH Stamps Ltd.
The Laurels, Manchester Road, Accrington, Lancashire BB5 2PF, England
Tel: 01254 393740 Fax: 01254 382274
E-mail: sales@ajhstamps.co.uk
A member of the Philatelic Trading Society
VAT No. 325 9500 61 Registration No. 4110518
Valuers and buyers of all stamps, coins, postcards, medals and collectables including probate valuations, email or phone us.
Email us for your FREE 1841 imperf 1d Red cat £35
 free 1d red 1 per person | Yes, we buy stamps, coins, postcards, private collections and complete dealer's stock. We Also buy from various charities inc stamps on paper. Please telephone, write or email us for our advice. |
No guesswork. Over 48 years experience.